Investing in solar panels and energy storage systems can present a significant upfront cost, so it’s prudent to establish a long-term view on how your system can work for you in years to come.
As the years roll on, a person’s electricity needs evolve – a baby has no need for their own phone or computer for example, but as they grow so will their collection of personal appliances that will require electricity, adding to a household’s usage.
It’s not just kids; new technologies are increasingly reliant on electricity – electric vehicles, for example, will soon be mainstream and you can see businesses and governments preparing for this by investing in EV charging infrastructure.
By choosing a solar battery system that can be expanded as your electricity consumption changes and grows, you’re optimising the initial investment you’ve made in your home by ensuring it does not become obsolete.
Your own energy needs aren’t the only thing you’re investing in – an investment in solar for your home also increases its value, with energy efficient homes selling for $125,000 more on average.
And, as you could imagine, renters may also be willing to pay more for a solar-powered house if they are benefitting through reduced electricity costs. Buyers, too, are seeking green energy and preparing for a net zero future. All major real estate websites now include solar as a filter search for eco-conscious and energy-thrifty home buyers.
Installing a solar storage system can increase the value of your home, whether you choose to stay and reap the rewards yourself, or sell, and make the most from your additional equity. So, whether you are a homeowner or landlord, consider solar an investment, not an expense, and choose a system that can adapt to changing energy needs.